Monday 14 May 2012

Post- the first...

Howdilydoodily reader and welcome to this blog.
Firstly let me explain the name of this blog: OhFourAndOnwards is reference to 2004 and onwards meaning this blog will be ramblings about every gig I've been to from that year on.

Before I officially start posting about the shows let me say hello, HELLO!
So should I explain a little about myself then? Okay...
My name is Jo. I'm currently 22yrs old, I shall be 23 in September. (scary biscuits I know.) I am notoriously and eternally single ;) Cat owner and worshiper. I work in retail, it might not be the coolest of jobs in the world but i meet lots of people daily and have some excellent stories from the job. I love going out with my friends and having the odd *snigger* alcoholic beverage. I obsessively follow quite a few American t.v. show/dramas. My number one passion in life is music. Going to gigs is my favorite pastime and I try my damn hardest to get to everyone I can.

I have a journal with references to all gigs over the past year and a half but I just figured it was time I noted down all the memories I have from them, I'd hate to forget anything...

So there we go matey.

Over and Out
JoBot. X

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