Monday 16 July 2012

Franz Ferdinand

I always think I don't really like FF, and then I hear them and I remember I do. Just take this for instance, I've been putting off writing this blog entry for months because I can't be bothered recalling that night I spent with them (not like that...i'd need a penis for that apparently) anyways, where was I? Oh aye, Franz Ferdinand. So yeah, I do actually like them I just forget some times because they've never made me stop and think about something or particularly influenced me in anyway (well except maybe they're the root of my fantasies of becoming a gay man...) But then I hear that Bass and i'm like
BUM- BUM-BUM TAKE ME OUT! [Notice i'm talking about bums :S so gay!]

I went to see Franz Ferdinand on a chilly day (8/12/05) I went with my sister and my friends Erin and Rebecca. We made a day out of it because the latest Harry Potter film was also being released that day too. So we went to the Odyssey in Belfast and saw the new HP movie, then as tradition we wen't to Pizza Hut and we had this epic dessert platter. (yum), After that we went and played this little game thingy, you know that one where you put in a quid and the claw comes down and grabs a stuffed animal? Well it was one of those. We all got little toy hedgehogs ^_^ oh how cute!

So yeah, we went and saw the band then. It really sucks that my Alzheimer's is so bad now because I remember very little about that night.

I DO remember Alex had a lovely red shirt on
I DO remember it was loud, very loud and I seriously damaged my hearing that night and now must wear ear protection at gigs! (for real)
I DO remember Alex saying "This next song is about a girl..." and the crowd went "JACQUELINE!"  and I yelled "ELEANOR!" and then I felt stupid for like three seconds until infact 'Eleanor' came on and then I was triumphant
I DO remember having a pack of glowsticks and becomming very popular with a group of lads behind me, they names me "The glowstick queen" I was very flattered.
I DO remember Rebecca yelling really loudly and Alex looking at her (that's a lie, Erin actually reminded me of this because I had indeed forgotten again, so hilarious though)

That's about it I think, I've been listening to their two albums that I own (Self titles and You could have it so much better) and I really forgot how catchy their stuff is. I really must get it on the ipodius. stat.

So that is that.

Signing out!
Jo the one&only (can't clone me y'all)